

Resources Where I Share All Of My Learnings

I create content to share my knowledge, tips, tricks & best practices to help people find solutions of their problems as well as experiment with new things !

Make sure to use all the resources here and get the maximum value out of them. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you find something helpful or if you want something helpful.

YouTube Channel

On my YouTube Channel, I share content related to various topic related to industry, which focuses more on practical applications and less on theories.
I share content related to,

– Digital Marketing
– Digital Psychology
– Growth Hacking
– Entrepreneurship



Not Only Entrepreneurship!

Not Only Entrepreneurship Is the podcast I host. It is available on multiple platforms like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts & more.
In this podcast, I share content related to,

– Digital Marketing & Digital Psychology
– Helpful Tools, Technologies & Best Practices
– Solutions to grow a business online



I create courses about various aspects of digital marketing & teach where to apply them.
The categories of course are,

– Applied Digital Marketing
– Web & Data Analysis
– Using technology & tools to grow business online

The Latest from
The Blog

I believe in sharing knowledge I have gathered throughout years by practical applications, making mistakes & learning from those mistakes